Here I will show you a few use cases of Not Equal To operator using both symbols. USE Cases of the Comparison Operator Not Equal To You can see the output of the above two queries which is the same showing in the below image. I will run the below statements to get the result of our requirements. I want to search for all employees who are not working on contract or whose employment nature is not equal to 5. Now, let me go ahead with a use case with help of an example.

These both operators will return the same output but if you are using NULL either on the left-side or right-side expression or on both sides while using the != operator, you will be getting the output as NULL only whereas if you use with NULL at any place left or right or both places then output depends on ANSI_NULLS settings We can see there are two different symbols for the Not Equal To operator shown in the comparison operator column of the above table. If you look at the above example for the Not Equal To operator, it means to list all employees whose age is Not Equal To 45. ! or !=) operator tests one expression is not equal to another expression, we can also say the left-side expression is not equal to the right-side expression of the Not Equal To operator symbol. You might also observe that some of the operators have more than one symbol. Here is the list of those symbols we use while doing any comparison between expressions. All these operators have their respective symbols which we use in SQL statements. SQL Server has offered multiple operators for various comparisons like equal to, greater than, less than, not equal to, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to.

#Not equal to in sql server how to#
This article will give an overview of the SQL Not Equal To operator and demonstrate how to use it in your queries requirements.