The 3D printed digital sundial functions without the use of batteries, motors or electronics-all that’s needed are four 3D printed ABS parts, a jam jar, and a few screws, nuts and washers. Now, combining the ancient time-telling technology of sundials with algorithmic design, a creative and extremely patient maker has created an open source, 3D printed sundial that allows users to digitally read the time.

Today, it’s so easy to check my smartphone, I’ll sometimes look at it and then realize a few seconds later that I’ve already forgotten what time I read. The swiss cheese inside the sundial is so intricate, that you can't realistically use injection molding, or some other mass-production method.Millennia ago, before the advent of mechanical gears and LED displays, our ancestors had to slowly and painstakingly track the movement of the sun, carefully aligning gnomon sticks against dial plates in relation to their physical position on Earth, all just to know what time it was. This way, the 'roo can simply use this Southern-hemisphere sundial exactly the same way a cow or a penguin would use their Northern-hermisphere version the sundial, with just one difference: the 'roo will have to point the tip of his sundial toward the *South* Pole.Please let us know your hemisphere!!!Fun fact about this sundialYou will most likely never see it in a supermarket or a department store. Our hinge mechanism doesn't even allow to tilt the sundial below horizontal.The trick here is simply to build a subtly different magical black box (also called a gnomon) for kangaroos. For him, that means having the tip of the sundial pointing toward the ground.

Just like everyone else, this 'roo has to orient the tip of its sundial toward the north pole. not made for shiny moon nights.Sundials and KangaroosThere is a tiny subtlety if you want to use this sundial in the Southern hemisphere:Try to visualize an kangaroo in Australia. but not simple:Tiny little holes are designed and printed to let the sun go through only in a certain angle, allowing the Sundial to show the time in intervals of 20 minutes.
Digital Sundial - 3D Printed Sun Clock (Mojoptix Remake)So here it is, our final version and remake of the Digital Sundial3D printed in high quality ABS, PLA, Wood Compound and any color you like (default color is Black, let us know if you want a different color) Displays time as any digital clock but has no battery Worldwide free shipping Includes all parts plus a 3M double tape to find the optimum position Less than 120 grams and 20 cm longInside a SundialOur secret is simple.